An Unlimited Supply

Feeling bad about a past mistake (I wish I picked blue, not green) is only valuable if you’re checking your sanity (what is it with me and the green?) or as a learning opportunity (I guess I didn’t like the green after all).  You can’t go back in time.

Regret about the past and Anxiety about the future are pointless exercises considering you can’t change one and can’t know the other and the Fear of making the wrong choices can stick us in a spot (in life/work/relationships).

Fortunately, for us, choices are available in an unlimited supply.

Feeling some regret because you didn’t like a past choice?  Make a new one.  Worried about making a choice that sets you down a new path?  Make it and make another one and so on until you get things to where you want them to be.

Choosing is not a one and done exercise.

Set yourself in a that new direction.  Change your current situation.  Make a decision (for goodness sake!).  Hopefully, this choice will prove to be better than the last one may have been (you did learn from that last one, didn’t you?).

An unlimited supply of choices is the gift you can give yourself over and over, They’re only worth something if you use them.   Go ahead, make a choice.