It’s no fun being on the losing end of a game – ask any 8-year-old in soccer gear… winning is much better.
The problem with games that have winners and losers is that someone, by definition, has to come out on the bottom.
Losing to my grandfather in Scrabble was one thing (he was always so nice about it), but where people have to agree to work together collaboratively, it doesn’t make sense to have those kinds of games – especially if the winners always win and the losers always lose.
At some point, the losers just won’t want to play anymore. (And, from a psychological standpoint, what’s the impact of causing others to lose all the time anyway?)
In a collaborative work environment, does there have to be a winner? Is there a better (better, different, win-win) way to go about things? If so, the notion all parties gain something from the transaction might actually create a culture of safety, fairness AND winning. Why not get it all and share in the rewards?
You may think that this is difficult. It doesn’t have to be.
Find yourself losing in someone else’s game? Or, maybe find yourself winning at other’s expense and not feeling great about it? Change the game! Find a way where you create a win-win in your activities/business/ life. Level the playing field. Play to your strengths. Create a place where the rules aren’t stacked in someone else’s favor.
If someone in your life won’t play the game you want to, then find a new set of playmates.
Balance the rules, balance the game – everybody wins.
Be a game changer.