Get Creative (and then get to it!)

A surprising number of people I speak with say they are not creative – maybe you’re one of them.  What they often mean when they say that, from what I can tell, is that they do not know how to do art, or make music, or some other skill that people associate with the creative arts. Therefore, they are not creative.

Knowing how to draw is not creativity.

Imagine, reimagine, invent, reinvent, diverge, converge, deconstruct, reconstruct.  These are the words you would associate with a creative mind.

If you’ve ever played imaginary games or daydreamed, you’ve used creative muscles.  Imagine something fanciful, combine it with another thing not actually physical here and you’ve imagined a world/universe/situation that does not currently exist.

Kids imagine all the time – why do we forget as adults that we can too?

Imagination, it turns out, is one of the strongest muscles of a creative mind.  (And what a great muscle it is.)

Unfortunately, the idea alone isn’t enough to create real change.  If it was, we might all be living in a Hello Kitty world.  You need to also manifest your creative inspiration into something actionable if it’s ever going to really come to life.

Image a new product – make it!  Image a new language – use it!  Imagine a new/happier/better you – start living it!

Creativity + Action creates CHANGE and if we’re ever going to move things forward in a more positive direction, we need both.

It all starts with imagination, though.  Time to start using yours.