The Iceberg
There is an iceberg of information you don’t know about that person you just met – just under the surface.
There Is An “I” In TEAM
We’ve all heard the saying – “There is no I in teams”… and we kind of know what that means. Get your ego out of it.
You’re already there.
The Only Direction Is Forward
There is no rewind in life. No pause button. No fast forward past the commercials. Life plays in real time.
What are you becoming?
Be Careful What You Practice
What state of being/attitude are you working on right now?
Freedom, Fear and Hope
We all want more freedom. Freedom from the struggles of our lives, freedom from things that bind and constrict us, freedom of ideas, freedom to be, freedom to love, freedom of choice.
Personal Housekeeping
A little personal housekeeping can help get your home (and your life) back in order…
A Purpose Filled Life
You could amble through life, letting things occur, going with the flow.
Features and Benefits
In marketing, features (more absorbent!) and benefits (less mess!) are widely used to describe things you can purchase. But in life, features should always come with the disclaimer – your benefits may vary.