Status Not-So Quo
In a world of change, status quo is a transient state. As I am known to say – everything is good… until it’s not.
So, What Did You Learn?
Some people never learn… or so we say. The old adage – fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me might be amended to add – fool me three times and I probably deserved it.
Get Creative (and then get to it!)
A surprising number of people I speak with say they are not creative – maybe you’re one of them.
Hope and Optimism
In times of trouble, how do we manufacture hope and optimism?
Warts and Everything
Airbrushing life isn’t possible. Despite the postings on Facebook, everyone isn’t happy and on vacation in the place you wish you were right now.
It would be great if all our superpowers were obvious. Super strength, flying, able to change size or super speed. Everyone would know of our awesomeness just by looking at us and our fancy super suits.
A boxer will throw a lot of jabs before they ever get a cross in.
Be In The Present
Living in the past and worrying about the future can take you away from the here and now.
Practice Makes Better
Practice makes perfect should be amended to say practice makes better. Perfect is too high a standard for anyone to really want to make the effort.
Be A Savorer
Delayed gratification may be out of style, but the feeling of working to achieve something is still one of the sweetest rewards.