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Step On Through

My grandfather used to say that life is a hallway with a lot of doors. When a door opens and you’re not in front of it, you don’t get the opportunity to step through to whatever lays beyond.

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An Unlimited Supply

Feeling bad about a past mistake is only valuable if you’re checking your sanity or as a learning opportunity. You can’t go back in time.

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Be a Game Changer

It’s no fun being on the losing end of a game – ask any 8-year-old in soccer gear, winning is much better.

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What is a trusted advisor? Does anyone have untrusted ones? (get rid of them if you do)

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Much has been written about our national identity and the freedoms provided (or not provided) by our Constitution.  This may lead you to believe that our Founding Fathers granted us something novel, but the truth is that, as thinking and acting humans, we’ve always...

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Don’t Be Replaceable

If you were the person who just got back from a two-week vacation and no one missed you, be concerned.  You’re replaceable and maybe even non-essential.

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