In a world of change, status quo is a transient state. As I am known to say – everything is good… until it’s not. Meaning – don’t blink, it’s not long before something changes and that’s when things get interesting.
Of course, it would be nice if we could snap our fingers and everyone and everything would be in a state of stable status quo. We wouldn’t need any new products or legislation; we wouldn’t need new ideas or invention. Why would we? Everything would be equally good for everyone… right?
It shouldn’t be surprising then, that opposition exists in all areas of our lives. It’s normal and we are usually both the source and recipient of it (maybe even at the same time!)
Why are we surprised then when we encounter opposition or feel it when someone else suggests change? Immediately taking the stance to be against/resistant to someone else’s change means you’re defending your personal status quo, doesn’t it? (and didn’t we just agree that status quo isn’t permanent anyway?). Given you will likely mount your own opposition to the way things are at some point, wouldn’t it make sense to find a way to consider the other person’s point of view? Couldn’t we look at it more like an ebb and flow? One day me, the other day you?
Let’s not forget – change is not the enemy. Change is how we make progress, how life moves forward. How oceans are formed and canyons are cut. How babies are born and lives are lived more fully. The force of forward progress is undeniable and necessary. So, what’s the hang up?
Status quo feeling challenged? Ask yourself – what is the other side trying to protect? How did their status get not-so quo? What are they trying to get? Why do they care? What would I be doing in a similar circumstance? Is this really so bad? Can I help them?
Given we all still just regular people trying to adapt to the changing world around us, shouldn’t we be acting like how we’d like everyone to treat us when we’re in our own state of status not-so quo?
A little empathy (and self-reflection) could go a long way to make this easier for everyone.
So, next time your status quo is being challenged by someone in a not-so quo state, consider that you might find yourself in a similar situation at any moment…and act accordingly.
You will likely need the same quo-friendly consideration for yourself sometime soon.