
It would be great if all our superpowers were obvious.  Super strength, flying, able to change size or super speed.  Everyone would know of our awesomeness just by looking at us and our fancy super suits.

Most of the real superpowers are the kind not that easily seen, though.  Empathy, appreciation, love, determinism, effectiveness, trustworthiness, kindness, persistence, knowledge, friendliness, compassion, open-mindedness – to name a few.  Not easy ones to make a super suit based on – but super none-the-less.

Luckily, it’s not important that you have flashy superpowers.  Ordinary ones are just fine.

What is important is that you know you have them and that you use them.  Don’t let your superpowers sit on the shelf. Get out there and be super!

The world needs more superheroes – and it turns out that they look just-like-you.