
What is a trusted advisor?  Does anyone have untrusted ones? (get rid of them if you do)

If you’re in a position to advise anyone, especially if you’ve been asked to do so, to be anything but trustworthy likely means you won’t get a chance to be trusted again.

Many a brand or business (or relationship) has gone under due to a loss of trust.

As a business owner (or service provider of manufacturer of products) you’re asking people to trust that what you’re selling them is as it seems.  Trusting it is safe, trusting it is reliable, trusting that what you say it does/is – is true. 

The disconnect between expectation and reality is fertile grounds for creating a withdrawal of trust.

Lose the trust and lose your customer, your reputation, your opportunities.

Be trustworthy.  Deliver what you say you will.  The world can use more trustworthy relationships.