Warts and Everything

Airbrushing life isn’t possible.  Despite the postings on Facebook, everyone isn’t happy and on vacation in the place you wish you were right now.

Remember the adage “don’t judge a book by it’s cover?”  I might modify it for social media to say – “Don’t judge the inside of other people and their lives by what you see on the outside.”

Some people are expert at Photoshopping their personal life.

Couldn’t we just decide that the truth is OK?  It may not be pretty, but at least it is real.  And isn’t that beautiful in all it’s imperfections?

Put the airbrush (and the computer) down for a while. See (and be) the way you are – you may find it the best way to live your life and view those around you.

The truth is a good place to start from – give it a try.  Warts and everything.